Monday, April 22, 2013

Rough 3 Years - Read if you struggle staying motivated

Like many of you and even in previous posts, my running experience has been a roller coaster affair.

I am proud to say that I have been on the good side of that roller coaster ride now for more than 2 years.  In this post I want to help explain how I was able to finally turn the corner on my running lifestyle.

I started and stopped running more times than I even care to share.

If you are like me, this is a really frustrating cycle of events that occurred in my life.  It was an up and down emotional time for me and running just never was the priority it should have been.  Oddly, my wife was really into running and competed in races and did her thing and I was no where to be found.  I was on the couch.

I believe there are 3 things YOU can to do avoid my back and forth running experience.

1. Join a running club - here is my local club but if you aren't from where I am from you will have to search out your own.

This group of running enthusiasts does such a wonderful job making people feel welcome.  There are some really smart people and experts in the field of running and biking.

All levels of runners are welcome to participate and network

Couch-to-5K to ultramarathon abilities are represented.  This club, and many like it I am sure, will get you hooked up with the right people and will help you find motivation.  This leads me to my next helpful suggestion.

2. Find a Buddy!

I am lucky, my wife and I have very similar speeds and goals in mind for our weekly exercise so I have gotten a built in buddy for much of my running experience.

Encouraging your spouse/sig other is a great way to communicate and have a common bond.

Here is an interesting link about couples and running together.

If your buddy cannot be your spouse which is probably true for most, find friend or coworker.  I contend that a coworker or friend will GREATLY influence YOUR WEIGHT LOSS and keep you ACCOUNTABLE.

Accountability is really really important and I cannot say that enough.

If you simply do not have anyone in mind that could be your running buddy and are at a loss then I suggest utilizing a Running Club to network and I am positive that someone will be willing to run with you and at your pace.  There are people at every pace in these clubs and they will run with you.  Runners are a unique group and the support that we have as a group is phenomenal. 

Continuing with accountability, my third part of this recipe is...

3. Run in Events

One of the biggest things I have done that helps keep me motivated is to sign up for and pay for local and regional running events.  The wife and I try and do at least 1 race a month (I want to do one every weekend but she quickly reminds me how thin my wallet is).

I believe that by signing up for races, it forces you to get out there and do it.  This also provides me an opportunity to train for something.  For instance, I am training for my 2nd half marathon in Indianapolis so I have paid for and have been training for this race.  Had I not signed up for the race, it would be really easy to turn the alarm clock off or hit snooze.

One of the coolest secondary things associated with these local running events is that every time there is some sort of charity involved in the race.  Don't quote me on it, but I think it is tax deductible.  The fact that I am keeping myself fit and at the same time running for a worthwhile cause, is simply rewarding!

You can use the search on to find local races although not every race is probably listed.

So.... I struggled and hated running for a long long time.  But do me a favor,

1. Join a running club ...... 2. Find an accountability buddy ....... and 3. Sign up for races!

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