My name is Tony Swafford. I am a father of 2 youngsters (Eli and Aly) and married to a former BBCHS cross runner Katie. I am 5'6" and about (was) 170 pounds. My journey with running is like a lot of peoples and I will use this blog to talk about it and do my best to try and motivate others who, like me, hate running.
I am a former soccer player and wrestler and left high school in great shape. College was not kind to me though. Although I exercised (mainly weight training) I put on weight due to my eating habits, work schedule, and propensity to suck back a few brews with friends. I went from 125 pounds my senior year of high school to 170 by the time I was 22. It wasn't all bad weight but at some point in my late 20's, I made a choice to begin running.
My beginning and subsequent ending of running became repetitive until a little over 2 years ago. It was a roller coaster that I am sure many of you can relate to. That is why I choose to create this blog. To offer hope and provide inspiration to help others stay accountable to their plans.
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